Get up, Get out, and Get Something.

Literary Lovers join us this weekend at the….


For the first time ever Yes We Can! Yes We Did!  is on sale for  $14.99 ($19.99 reg. price). This sale only applies to participants and attendees of the Black Writers & Book Clubs Literacy Festival September 18-19. We Can All Decorate the Same Tree will also be on sale for just $9.99 (reg. 14.99). Ask about our latest title Beautiful Brown Girls and enter for a chance to win an all paid expense to the Beautiful Brown Girls Retreat (Coming February 2016 email for details). We hope to see you there.

Well-Read Chiefs are reading….


Book Talk takes place  Thursday 9/30/15. Any Well-Read Teens who would like to join us let us know. We’d love to hear from you.  Until we read again, remember…

~Literacy is Life~ Live!