The monitors returned to audit Title I equipment (I thought we were done). The LIS was in and out of the library for most of the week. I continued to shelve books and assist students with their learning needs. The LIS and I reviewed and matched serial numbers and MCS numbers to classrooms and teachers. The task has been tedious and cumbersome. We will continue next week as I understand. We still need to account for other equipment in the school that is not funded by Title 1. It has been a challenging week with testing. One whole day the library was shut down and devoted to AMSI training (for the LIS) for the new electronics system and scanner for equipment. Our schools’ scanner is still not working. It has been sent back for repair. We are now preparing for end of year inventory approaching a deadline of May 6th. Spring break is looking better every day.
Author: jjadmin
We Can All Decorate the Same Tree
Is a wonderful Holiday story that can be used year round to convey the power of diversity, unity and victory. Three girls Zanette, Akisha, and Deltina find friendship despite their differences. They learn a valuable lesson about what they can achieve when they work together, and soon realize that they have something beyond the obvious in common.
Relase date, July 2008
Yes We Can! Yes We Did!
Is an innovative story about the unity shared among the American people as they elected the 44th President of the United States of America.
Library Work, 2/28-3/4
This week I hit the ground running in the library, preparing for a possible upcoming audit on Title I equipment. The LIS and I began on Monday looking for(misplaced) equipment. After matching the documents with computer generated stickers we set out to find the materials. The LIS had searched for three items over the past week that could not be located so she had resorted to documenting that they were lost. One was a computer, another was a DVD/VCR combo set and the third was an antiquated Quaser VCR. She revealed the items and district given numbers to me and I reminded her that I was issued a DVD/VCR combo at the beginning of the semester that was returned by a teacher that did not return for the second semester. We walked to my classroom and wallah there it was,the numbers matched. The LIS was ecstatic and deemed me as a librarian. She pointed out that the funny thing was that one of “us” had a piece of the so called missing equipment. The computer was found in another classroom. And the outdated VCR has not surfaced. Finding those items alone made the start of the week very productive. I am glad that I was on hand to say that I may have an item in my room and to check another teacher’s room for the other item that was found. The remainder of the week was spent catching up on library work, shelving returned books and clearing the circulation desk. We continued inventorying equipment and by Friday someone did show up to monitor our Title I (NCLB) equipment. He said that we did a good job.